Tuesday, October 17, 2006

VGMQ and Some Puzzle Thing

For some reason, a few weeks ago I found myself back on Gamefaqs, on Board 8, which is the most frequented message board on Gamefaqs, also the most random. It’s actually the contest message board, but because so many people look at it, it’s become a breeding ground for all sorts of posts. Most of it is garbage, but every now and then there are some good links. Today I’ll share two.

http://vgmq.garoux.net/ - Video Game Music Quiz

This is a site owned by a guy, and he hosts about 300 short, ~20-40 second music clips from videogames, ranging from Pacman to Halo… or, you get the idea. I guess you could call it an ongoing contest, where you sign up and guess songs as you like and get points. I have about 140 points right now. How many can you get?

http://shygypsy.com/ - A site with 2 puzzles

This site has two puzzles – a big farm puzzle and a crappy little word puzzle. The farm puzzle isn’t the easiest, and it’s meant to be a team game. One person can’t do it by him or herself. I’d help, but being with the gamefaqs group I already know so much of the puzzle that… well, I can give some hints here and there.

So try the farm puzzle. If you need help, check the hints. If you need a little boost, start with the words “COW” and “CHICKEN”.

Then there’s the other puzzle. I’ll give you the first two things – The answer to the first thing is “b” – you can find it in the source code. Then it will give you another word that starts with “b” – in this case, “bee”. The next answer is “sea” or “see”, because it rhymes with “bee” and it’s the letter C. Next you need something to do with the letter D, then E, and so on. I’ve gotten to J, thanks to a bit of help… but I’m stuck.

It’s a crappy game and you just need help to finish it, heh, or be very smart about it.

Anyway, enjoy these puzzles, whoever still reads this blog.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Too much time for all that TV

Now I have to decide what I want to watch on TV. The choices are:
- Heroes - The Nine - House - Lost - Standoff
- Vanished - Kidnapped - Smith - Battlestar Galactica
- Criminal Minds - Shark
- CSI - CSI: Miami - CSI: New York

I've seen Heroes season premiere, and then I taped episode 2 and episode 3 but haven't had the time to see them yet. It could be a good show, could be bad, could be cliche and regular. I'm not sure yet. I will TRY to watch episodes 2 and 3 which I taped, but if I can't, it probably means I don't have time to watch the rest of the series.

I saw The Nin9 season premiere and episode 2, and it could be very interesting. What happens is that there's a hostage situation in a bank with 9 people, and then it fast forwards to 52 hours later, where one has died and the other 8 come out alive, and now they are still living (duh) with things to do and new bondings... so throughout the series you figure out what happens during those 52 hours and how it affects all their lives and whatever. It could turn out to be really awesome.

Right now on Tuesdays, House is taking a break, with new episodes coming at the end of October. Other than that, Tuesdays are pretty free. Usually on Tuesdays, I watch stuff I taped that I couldn't watch before. I think The Nine was on yesterday as an encore presentation kinda thing. So I think I'll continue watching House when it comes back.

Lost is Lost. I will watch that for sure.

I saw an episode of Standoff, taped a few, but couldn't be bothered to watch them. Gina Torres from Firefly is in it, but not as a really main character. So it was okay the time I watched it - it's a "negotiator" type show. I like negotiators. But I couldn't be bothered to watch more episodes, so I'll skip this one.

Saw an ep of Vanished. Pretend it's CSI, but instead of 2 cases per episode, it's 1 case per season. Could be interesting, but I just couldn't spend time to watch more.

Taped 2 episodes of Kidnapped, haven't seen them yet. I have to make time to watch it, then I'll worry whether or not to watch it more.

Saw first episode of Smith. Remember Heist? I liked Heist, but then it got cancelled. Smith has a good cast of characters, and it has some cool stuff, but I haven't seen an episode since. I don't even know when it comes on anymore. I don't think I'll watch more.

BSG is BSG. Same as Lost, 2 seasons down, both have good story that follow through the episodes, so I will continue watching it. Plus, it's Saturday nights, so it's hardly competing with any other TV shows.

I really, really like Criminal Minds. It shares the time slot with Lost, so I usually tape Criminal Minds (or both) and watch it on Tuesdays or Thursdays. I really like it - it's like CSI (which is not a bad thing), but rather than forensics, it deals with psychology. It follows a group from the BAU, the Behavioural Analyst Unit, who have to study crimes and psychopaths and stuff. It's interesting, and the cast is pretty good too.

Shark... Thursdays at 10, after CSI. I've seen 1 ep, taped 1 ep. It's probably a good show, just haven't seen more yet. I'll probably watch a few more eps, although I missed a few already. I think like CSI's and House, most of the episodes are pretty self-contained.

For some reason, I still watch ALL the CSI's. Mostly CSI Miami - it's so pretty, and the cast is quite cool too. I also like CSI: New York's cast, with Gary Sinese, and the new girl, Anna Belknap, she's pretty cute too. I watch Miami because of the interaction between the characters, I watch New York because of Gary Sinese and the characters, and... the original, because of tradition.

It's interesting... I don't really care anymore about who did it, or whose fingerprint that is... nor do I really care that it's possible to do this and this if you mix these two things together... but instead, sometimes I watch CSI because... CSI is like an experiment now. We all know CSI's can get pretty stale pretty quickly, so I'm watching to see how they're changing it up. The first few episodes of CSI (original) were pretty interesting this season because they were trying new things.

Also, the CSI's are a family kinda thing too. We usually gather around the TV together when CSI comes on, and we watch it as a family. Well, sorta - most of the time my dad and my mom fall asleep, but the tradition still stands. It's like a big family event... the show starts, and then Horatio looks at the camera, says his one-liner, and then the intro comes on DAAAAAA--- DUN DUN... DAAAAA... Dun dun dun d...... du du du du du du du... 'won't be fooled again...'

(and then I sing along with the music)

So I think I will watch:
Monday: CSI Miami for sure, Heroes Maybe
Tuesday: Watch taped Criminal Minds, watch House
Wednesday: Watch Lost, watch CSI New York
Thursday: Watch taped The Nin9, watch CSI original
Friday: Nothing, or something taped*
Saturday: Battlestar Galactica
Sunday: Well... Simpsons, Family Guy

* On Friday, there's Close to Home, which I used to watch when it was on... Tuesday, I think. Jennifer Finnigan, the main star, she's cute =) and the cases are at least mildly interesting. But nowadays, Friday nights are pretty busy with other fun stuff.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

An App a day

Does anyone still read this? Anyway, their loss if they don't.

Found this link: http://www.anappaday.com/downloads/

It's cool. It's a blog, where the guy programs a windows app every day, for 30 days. He's on day 25 now, so there are 25 small applications on the site. I checked them out, haven't downloaded them yet cuz I'm at work. But they seem cool.

I'll definitely download a few when I get home.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


The first few minutes of the Season 2 Premiere were awesome. You always think it's some sort of flashback from something, but....

And then, the first few minutes of Season 3 Premiere were also awesome. You always think it's some sort of flashback from something, but...

wow. Poor Ricky, I gave him the other seasons but he didn't watch anything yet, but he might've seen this season premiere... he probably doesn't understand.

But to the rest of us... maybe just Wen and I... wow. Twisty.

(rest of the episode was ooookay. But the first few minutes... that was grand.)

Monday, October 02, 2006

3 sir

Lately, sometimes when I start talking to Jason or Alan, or sometimes Vinh, I would say

"3 sir."

So far nobody has gotten the reference, and everyone's just been confused.