Saturday, September 23, 2006

Nedroid Monster

I just checked Tiny Monster's site, and she now links to Nedroid's site too! So Nedroid is now more famous than before.

I think... I forget what linked me to Tiny Monster. Let's pretend it was Dr. McNinja. So I knew nedroid, then I knew Dr. McNinja, and from there I got to Tiny Monster, and then Tiny Monster just made Nedroid more famous. (edit - yeah, it's dr. mcninja - - but from a different page)

To complete the triangle, Nedroid has to link to Dr. McNinja.

Oldies Song of the Week - Wham - Careless Whisper

Monday, September 18, 2006

TV on the horizon

Monday: CSI Miami (Starting this week)
Tuesday: House, Standoff - Edit: Wanna try Smith
Wednesday: Either nothing or CSI New York - Edit: Criminal Minds
Thursday: CSI (Las Vegas)

And come October, I hear Lost is coming on Wednesdays, and Battlestar Galactica (which I just finished yesterday, so we can start talking about it) is coming on Saturdays. And of course, Simpsons and Family Guy on Sundays. And apparently “24” comes in January. And I still want to catch an episode of Heroes, and… Smith? And some more…

Good thing we have that Rogers thing where you can record it and watch it later. It’s going to be a fun TV Season.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

PGR2: Term of the day: Renewing your License

(Spur of the moment entry)

Just like Smash, we invent different terms for different games, including PGR2. I’ve played more single player than most of the other guys, so I’ve invented more terms. We invented phrases like “inviting to a party”, “rail-riding”, “people riding”, and most recently, “hello sir.” This is a spur of the moment post, so no real thought has been put into why I’m writing it, but anyway, today I will write about “renewing your license.”

In PGR2, you have to do challenges to get medals. One challenge is called “one on one”, which is just that – you against a computer opponent of a certain difficulty. So let’s say you’re going for the platinum medal, so you’re fighting the hardest computer. Let’s say for this example, you’re a regular driver, and the computer is an expert driver. So, driving regularly, the computer will beat you for sure. Let’s call this theorem 1.

So what do you do? You drive unfairly! Since it’s one on one, you have nobody else to worry about except yourself and the computer. If the computer gets far in front of you, then by theorem 1, he will beat you. So what you have to do is hit the computer, spin him out, so that he has to slow down, reverse, and get back on track.

Although there’s no term for this, let’s call it “getting your license.” Basically, once the computer is far ahead of you, then by theorem 1, you’ve lost, and you might as well restart. So, as long as the computer is behind you, you can continue driving, because you “have your license.”

If you’re lucky, and it’s 1 or 2 short laps, you will win the race, since the computer is so far behind. Otherwise, the computer will catch up, pass you, and beat you. So what do you do? Well, with all the analogies so far, it’s not hard to guess.

You hit him again, spin him out again. This is called “Renewing your License.” You got your license, and now, if you want to continue, you have to renew it. It’s harder, because of the different speeds and different conditions (compared to beginning of the race, where each car is going slow), and it’s riskier (because if you fail you’ve wasted a lot of time, compared to if you fail at the beginning, where you’ve used a few seconds).

Usually, once you renew your license, you will win the race. And that’s why renewing your license is so important.

Monday, September 11, 2006

YouTube Culture

The other day Ray sent me links to a bunch of car videos on youtube, and basically I spent the whole hour watching different things on YouTube, and if I didn’t have things I wanted to get done (like watching Lost or BSG) I could spend the entire day watching things on You Tube.

So I got to exploring, and there’s this whole… like, culture. Personally, I’m not a mySpace person, I guess I never got hooked on it. But it amazes me, sometimes, how the Internet gives everyone a voice, and different people do different things with that voice. And in this case, Youtube has given everyone with a video camera a way to share these videos very easily. And videos can be quite unique.

So anyway, I was exploring, and I come across Cutiemish – she’s a user on YouTube. First, I saw one video, which looked like some friend taped her and put it on the web, and I thought, “poor girl” – but then I found out she has like 30 videos, and most videos have over 1000 comments from people all over the web. So basically, on YouTube, maybe she’s really famous.

Maybe she started out doing it for fun, and then her fan-base grew like crazy and now she has this whole cult following, me included. She’s just one person, just like any of us, but she’s just really cute and she’s fun to watch, and now she has many adoring fans (and haters) everywhere. Here’s a link to one of her videos if you like..

So cute! First I thought, sorta cute, sorta pretty, but yeah, she’s really cute. Listen to me, I sound like a crazy internet person. Anyway, YouTube’s pretty cool. There are a lot of other pretty unique videos – today I saw a video about a guy, that takes a picture of himself every day for 6 years, and then made a video slideshow of that.

And then just now I started looking at other users, and so people can now, essentially, “blog” to everyone in video format, and then other users “video-respond” to the blog, just like our comments to blog entries, but with videos! Whoa!

I dunno – maybe I’m just talking nonsense, maybe you guys already all knew that. Anyway, I probably knew the power of the internet a long time ago, but I still find it amazing. It used to be only geeks that harness the full power to have their voice be known, but now it’s everyone.

I like cutiemish.

Anyway, on a side note, I have a big back-log of blog entries that I wanted to post on the other blog, but I guess since I’m not using this one as much, I’ll post them here.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Jason's on the floor

It's 9:13 am now, but I went to bed at 3:00 so I shouldn't be awake yet, but I can't go back to sleep. Anyway, I'm at my computer now, and Jason's sleeping on the floor about 9 feet away. Odd, I thought duy would give him proper sleeping stuffies. See, now I have to try to type quietly... oh darn.