Monday, May 14, 2012

Game Idea: Kill the human cub

I had a game idea the other day and then I forgot to jot it down, and now I remember about it so I'm going to jot it down! I thought about the idea as I was fighting the last boss of Kingdoms of Amalur, and it occurred to me that instead of waiting for my guy to level up and be super powerful, the boss should just find me when I was at level 1 and kil me off then.

So that's what the game idea is - you are a hero, and your power is like, infinite lives. So you start the game as normal, but eventually the final boss learns that you are destined to defeat him, so he will seek you out and try to destroy you. He finds you, and then of course you die, but then you are reborn. When you are reborn, you keep your items and your levels and all that, and the last boss will know that so he will try to find and kill you again.

So maybe your goal for a little bit is to level up so you can live longer, but eventually you might be strong enough and fast enough to outrun him, so you can like, get on the ship and travel to another island, so you're at a different part of the game.

In any case, I haven't fleshed out enough of anything yet at all, but that's the idea. It sounds stupid if you never progress to another part, and you spend your whole game in the inn, gaining some experience per life and dying again... no, that's not how it works.

So of course, there are triforce pieces that you require to defeat the last boss, and in normal games, each temple will have a boss in it, but with past experiences, that's not good enough to defeat you... so the last boss has to individually go to each dungeon and try to defeat you there.

Ooh! I got an idea. Maybe the game will have a picture-in-picture mode, where you can see the last boss trying to find you, and you can hide from him and stuff and whatever. Anyway, that's... just my idea for now. It would be cool if we went to ToJAM this year, but we missed the early-bird and by the time we missed that, 400+ people have already registered so we missed the boat. It was so crazy! So alas, we didn't go this year.


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