Monday, April 30, 2012

LOL Smurfs

I haven't written in a while. Well, for the whole time Brian was here, I haven't written. Anyway, tomorrow is May 1st so I'll write a whole blog entry on my main site then (or in a few days), so for now I'll just mention something that happened yesterday.

Actually, it's not that interesting. In any case, Ambrose and Mike made new LOL accounts so to play with them we made smurf accounts, Alex, Duy, and myself. We queued up, and we fought against another team of 5, probably mostly smurfs as they totally pwned us.

We shrugged off the loss and played again, only to be queued up against the same 5 guys! This time we also got owned during the laning phase but when it all mattered we ended up winning. They requested a tie-breaker, but it was midnight so we added each other to our lists and we'll do a custom game sometime... although now that Alex is without Duy's computer, his laptop isn't very LOL-worthy so he might not be playing with us for a while.

Anyway, that's it. Later (on the other blog) I'll update about Brian's visit, Tales of Graces F, Kingdoms of Amalur, and some Magic.


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