Thursday, April 05, 2007

Freebird Structure

I’m addicted to Guitar Hero. I think I really like Freebird, except that it’s hard, and it has what I call a “Freebird Structure”, which applies when a song starts easy and ends hard. Man, I don’t really like freebird structure songs! Usually, the easy parts are boring to play, and it’s the hard parts that are fun to play, so you have to play so much easy to get to the hard. And since it’s hard, there’s a good chance you’ll die, and you’ll have to start all over! Argh!

There are many songs which are low difficulty throughout and have a difficulty guitar solo near the end, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about where a main part of a song is drastically more difficult than other main parts.

So… Freebird has difficulty level 1 from 0% to 50%, and then after that it has difficulty levels 6-10.
Hangar 18 switches between difficulty 1-2 and 4-6, and then at the middle it gets to difficulty 8-10.
Jordan starts with difficulty 3, ends with difficulty 3, and from 40%-80% has difficulty 8-10.
Fall from Pangaea starts with difficulty 3, and slowly rises to 4, and then eventually hits you with 8-10.

So, now you know what a Freebird Structure is. I hope there are less songs with Freebird Structures in the future! (Although, it’s awfully nice of Freebird to make sure you have plenty of Starpower before entering the hard part)

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Blogger transcendent said...

It's a good thing that GH2 gives you a practice mode. I found that one of the most frustrating things in Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan is that trying to learn a new pattern in the middle or end of a song requires playing through the beginning sections over and over and over again. Argh, it made me so mad!

12:46 AM  

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