Monday, September 19, 2005

CSI Miami

That was a wonderful weekend. Must’ve played about 9-10 hours of Graffiti Kingdom, and now I’ve beaten it, but I can still level up, and walk around and re-fight bosses and stuff.

Watched 7th Heaven for the first time in >5 years today. Oh my, have those little kids grown. Beverly Mitchell’s still a cutie, and that young girl’s in highschool or now. And then today I saw Prison Break, which seems like a pretty good show. Wish I’ve started it from the beginning though.

And then just now, I watched the CSI: Miami Season Premiere. The story this time was okay; although now that I think about it, it would’ve been cool if this Mean-Nachos gang stuck around for several episodes or jumped around across a few episodes like a couple CSI:LV themes did (Paul Milander, Blue Paint, etc).

Anyway, the good news is Emily Proctor (Calleigh Duquesne) and Boti Ann Bliss (Maxine Valera) are back. Man, they have this new lab, it’s so sweet looking. And they have this new DNA person too, she’s quite cute too. Anyway, now I’m glad to be able to see a new episode of CSI every week… or technically, THREE new episodes of CSI every week =)


Blogger Theomnifish said... wouldn't happen to have taped CSI:Miami, would you have? If so, then perhaps I could watch next time I see you...oh well. On one hand, it sucks not having access to TV, but then it would be a distraction, and we'd have to pay a lot of money for it too.

11:26 PM  

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