Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Better than Nothing

Do you know what's better than no updates? Some updates! Anyway, on the other blog I said I had planned a videogame post, but while I'm not really posting a lot, I can post little updates on this blog. So, we got a bunch of games for Christmas and Boxing Day, and there are more games we can talk about from the past and the future and whatever. So every day or every couple days, I might as well post a little something something here... so we'll start... with...

Karaoke Revolution Party.

We totally enjoyed Karaoke Revolution, and so it was natural that we bought Karaoke Revolution Party. And now we got a second microphone so we can play duet mode. Next, we’ll need a DDR pad so we can play DDR while singing. For now, we’ll just stick with the controller.

Anyway, Karaoke Revolution Party sure is fun. First, there’s the character creator, where you can totally customize how your guy or girl looks like. It’s totally awesome, the amount of detail they put into such a small part of the game. The song list is… okay. Once again, there are a lot of songs we don’t know, but that’s okay. There are a bunch of cool songs we like though. I hear there’s A LOT of songs we can download/buy, so I’ll have to check out that selection. I sure hope we can unlock “California Dreamin’”, rather than having to buy it. That would make a good duet.

Best songs so far, for me, are “A-Ha - Take On Me”, and Call Me – the song they play near the beginning of Zoolander. Boy, I want to watch that movie again now…


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