Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Twilight Princess

I'm not sure when was the last time I've beaten a Zelda game before Duy has, but this might be the first, with him being captivated by Tales, PSU, and pretty soon, The Crusade that is Burning. Anyway, I'm about 11 hours into Twilight Princess now, and it's fun.

Is it like Ocarina of Time? Yes. Yes it is. If they took the Ocarina of Time engine, and remade a story and made new levels and called it Ocarina of Time 2; well... that's what Twilight Princess is. Graphics are a bit better (a lot better than N64, but on par with Gamecube, as are a lot of other Wii titles), sound and music is similar... might even be worse, but whatever. But gameplay, it's pretty much like Ocarina of Time.

The controls? They're fine, for the most part. For the big things, they're fine, but I have complaints about the little things, so excuse this rant for a bit:
When you're hanging on a ledge, you're probably all panicky trying to get back up, so you press the big A button - and you fall down! I think A should be the action button, which brings you back up, and not fall down.
Secondly, I was about to die and then I had to use a milk to get my life back, but I hit + instead of -, because that's the main pause button... and then I died.
Also, I really like my jumping attack, ya know, hold Z to target and press A to jump-attack. Only problem is, most of the time when I start the attack, my sword isn't drawn so my guy will just roll. I hate that. I do like how the wolf does the attack though, instead of rolling.

Umm... so that was my rant. I just finished the first two temples, starting the 3rd Twilight part, found 4 pieces of heart so far... need money for a shield... oh boy. Anyway... that's it. I like the game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but what are the special motion-sensor controls?

7:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You start with a few and you learn more as you go on, but simply:
1 - swing sword. You can swing it vertically or horizontally, or stab, but most of the time I just swing it wildly trying to hit something.
2 - fishing. Enough said.
3 - today I learned the shield attack, where you use the nunchuk and move it forwards to attack with your shield. If you flick the nunchuk you do the spin attack.
4 - aiming your looking/shooting

but most of the game is still very zelda like - you move with the joystick, fight enemies and collect treasure. If you didn't like other zeldas, you're not going to all of a sudden like this one, although some elements may be different.

11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, I like '1' :-) It's like the equivalent of panicky button mashing, huh?

3:47 PM  
Blogger Theomnifish said...

haha...yeah, the description of 1 is funny :P

How do you do the sword spin attack then? Or do you mean you use the nunchuk to do that? And have you gotten the boomerang yet?

11:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Spin attack is done by flicking the nunchuk - so it does use the sensor, but I don't consider it a special motion-sensor control.

I have... well, unless something changes in the 2nd half of the game, I have all the items now =) - boomerang, arrows, bombs, clawshot (read: hookshot), lantern... 2 bottles? ... etc...

hmm... 2 bottles? is that it? maybe they'll make more room on the item screen...

9:35 AM  

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