Saturday, January 06, 2007

Smells like Witty Jokes

From the other blog, I've chosen a bunch of things I wanted to write about, mostly from my experiences between Christmas and New Years, two of which were "Smells Like Apple Pie" and "Witty Jokes", and so not to take up too much space on that blog, I decided to post them here. These are also smaller topics, and are here only for further reading... and I hope some of you want to read more! So..

Smells Like Apple Pie

We were at our step-uncle's house (Mom's Mother and her Ex-Husband had some babies, this is one of them) and we were having dinner - there were an assortment of foods in front of us, from Spring Rolls, to HarGow, to some vegetable mix, to those crunchy shrimp chips, etc, etc, and some Quail. So I start eating some quail, and... it smells... good. Like, not quail or chicken like at all. So Duy asks me how the Quail is, and he's sitting a bit away from me so I mouth to him,

"IT SMELLS LIKE APPLE PIE!" ... and he's like, "What?? HOW??" And then he tries it and smells it, and he's like, "IT DOES!!!"

So yeah. The Quail smelled like apple pie, which was totally awesome. Later we asked our cousin and he said he sprinkled cinammon on the quail, which explains the smell. But that's so awesome.

Now you see why I didn't post this in the other blog. It's about 3 paragraphs of lots of words, to portray an idea which was funny at the time. I do that a lot... use a lot of words to provide a very detailed, not concise, description of what happened. One day I shall sprinkle cinammon on something, and hopefully it will smell like apple pie, and thus be much better. By the way, Quail is pretty good - a bit bony, but overall it's okay.

Witty Jokes

I wanted to post this shortly after my own party, because this is where it comes from. I wish I were witty... like, quick to think, quick to make up jokes on the spot. Sometimes I can do that, but I often keep them in my head and analyze them before I say them, and by then it's not funny anymore. But since the party, I thought of two other things I wanted to write about witty jokes... heh.

First, I wanted to mention two jokes from the party. At one point, my friends were playing Wii Bowling - Imran, Mike, Andrew Paton, and Ryan. So for Wii sports you choose the Mii characters, so everyone chose someone at random. Everyone chose a male character, except Ryan, who chose a female character (duh).

So after a few frames, Ryan's doing pretty poorly, and he throws a ball into the gutter, and starts complaining, "ohh, what a sexist game". And then Andrew exclaims, "oh, and your character's a girl too!"

And then whole room started laughing. It's such a quick-to-think joke, it's that type of thinking which I'd like to have. In case the joke flew over your head, Ryan was jokingly complaining, because his character is a girl that she is doing worse than all the other characters. Andrew's comment hinted at a coincidence that Ryan's character's a girl, which implies that Ryan is a girl - or better yet, it implies that Ryan's "sexist" comment was aimed at himself, being a girl. Which... ahh, I hope you get it by now... cuz if you don't... *shakes fist*...

So that was awesome, at the time. The next joke wasn't really as awesome, but while we were playing Tales of Symphonia, Mike finished a battle and the enemies dropped items, "Chicken" and "Egg", and then Mike said, "I wonder which came first?" I didn't get it at first, but then I saw it, and it was pretty clever, and I wouldn't've of it. So yeah.

Anyway, in Montreal or on the way back from Montreal, I sorta came up with two circular jokes, which I'd like to share. First, I randomly asked, "Do you know who's weird?" And the rest of the car said, "Who?" And I said "ME!" - and it's a circular joke, because... it is weird that I would ask that kind of question, which would make me weird, so the answer is in the riddle, or.. something like that.

And, on the way back from Montreal, we ate at East Side Mario's for lunch. In 'ssauga, we passed by another East Side Mario's, and Duy commented, "look, it's ESM." And I said "yeah... it's ESM. English Second Manguage." (which is like ESL, but... whatever) - and it's only a bit circular now, but it's like I need to take ESL because I think it's English Second Manguage, not English Second Language. So in a way, I got the anagram wrong because I didn't know the anagram... wait... that's... weird... and... circular...... ?


Blogger Theomnifish said...

"English Second Manguage"
LOL, that so sounds like something I would say, except then it would be "Sninglish Second Snaguage" or something like that. :P

11:51 PM  

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