Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Backdraft, Superdraft

Last weekend, the others were supposed to come over and have the Superdraft. Technically, we should've had the super draft waay before Time Spiral came out, but alas, that didn't happen. Anyway, David did come over, and so we drafted. I tried to buy a TS booster box at Image, but they ran out, so we didn't have TS cards. Oy, and now we have to replace a bunch of boosters. We used 11 boosters for 2 drafts. Usually 2 drafts take 15-18 boosters, but we managed to do it with 11, which is great.

First, we had a backdraft. This is our first backdraft, so we made up some simple rules, which were good enough. Your deck has to have at least 10 creatures, and at most 3 colours. So you put together 24 cards, give them to a player, and that player will decide how land distribution will go. There were some more complicated things, where we took out the signets and they were taken at the end, maybe sorta like rolling a die for them in Warcraft. In this case, it was Rock Scissor Paper if it was contested. Also, for 4-5 colour cards (the Yore-Tiller Nephilim), we decided that it would be a 3 colour card, and one of the colours would be free. So the Nephilim was also like a signet, where you can take it at the end.

OMG, we opened some great cards in this draft. Sure, there was a Yore-Tiller Nephilim, which is interesting but nobody would want to use it in a great draft. Anyway, we all started with a 9th edition booster and removed the basic land from each one. Vinh opened the Blood Moon, so that was a first pick for him. David opened a Royal Assassin, so it was like, ummm damn. I opened Wrath of God. Hehe... interesting... so I decided to take it, heehee.

Next, we each opened one of CBS. I open... YOSEI. The MORNING STAR. Oh no. If it was a real thing, I probaly would've taken WOG and Yosei. but alas... oh well. I think the other rares were... man, I have to think now. Oh yeah, HIgure of the Still Wind and... the green legendary enchantment guy. After that, we each opened one from RGD. I open Yore Tiller. David opens Szadek. Vinh opens... ack, I don't remember... oh yeah, Lady Blue Fingers.

Anyway, backdrafting was fun. I think David's deck is the "worst", although it only played one game. Vinh's deck is the "best", but it only played one game. My deck played two games, won one and lost the other. My deck is special because 5 of its non-creature cards are enchantment destruction. heh. What bad dud cards, hehe. It's so beautiful.

Anyway, I guess I can write more about the backdraft later. But the next morning, we decide to have a real draft, but a bit different. There were so many unused good cards from the backdraft, so we put them back into a pool (it was a bit less than 60 cards, so we added some cards to make it 60 again), and then we added 2 boosters, a R and G, so we would have 90 cards. We split them into piles of 10, so we had 9 10-pack boosters. We each started with a take two, and then we started drafting them.

I opened Yosei. First pick for the win. Used my take two for a Seal of Doom. Anyway, the other two rares we added were Dream Leash and Dune Brood Nephilim. That's right, two guildpact boosters gave us two nephilims. Let's hope when we replace them, we get... more playable cards.

Blah blah blah. Eventually I made a black white blue deck, featuring Yosei, Szadek, and HIgure of the Still Wind. I think my deck was the best. Master Decoy and Icy Manipulator were good, and whenever Yosei hit the table it was pretty good. Higure is a good addition too - I have one other ninja in my deck, the dude that draws you cards.

All in all, it was a fun time. I hope to have the superdraft soon, and get a wii soon too. Maybe we can have the superdraft this saturday. Then again, it's always a maybe. Maybe wii'll just go to Ambrose's house and play with the wii all day, heh.

Anyway, so this backdraft gave me an idea about the superdraft. Maybe we can mix it up, once or twice. Remember, the superdraft consists of 3 or 4 drafts:
1) Main draft (5 boosters)
2) Draft 2 (3 boosters + 2 equiv boosters)
3) Draft 3 (2 boosters + 2 equiv boosters)
and optionally, draft 4 (4 equiv boosters) (or is it more?)

Lemme do some quick math... 5... -2 = 3... -2 + 3+2 -2 = 4... -2 + 2+2-2 = 4... yeah, that's 4, I think. So there's an optionally 4th draft, which contains 4 boosters. Technically you can find 5 boosters for the last draft, and that would be pretty interesting.

The 2 variations that I thought of are, either, the last draft, the optional draft with all the rejected cards, is the backdraft. Another variation is that one of the middle drafts is a backdraft. We can instead switch drafts 2 and 3, and then the 2nd draft (2 equiv + 2 real boosters) can be the backdraft.

It would surely add some variation to the entire draft experience. Of course, we can add other variations, where some parts are open drafted or winston drafted, or we can stick to the tried-and-true formula. Whatever works. Anyway, I just want to have this super draft soon. I also want a good reason to open more Time Spiral boosters, hehe, so I can finally know some full cycles... I need... black suspend, black magus, black sliver, white split-second, white 10 to cast, green 10 to cast, Lhurgoyf lady, and of course I'm still curious about purple cards.

So quick, let's have this super draft before it becomes CBS9RGDOTPFX. Actually it looks sorta cool, ending with an X. Maybe we should wait till then. But not really.

::edit:: Played some more games with Vinh. Bao:Vinh means Bao played with the deck that was made using the cards Vinh drafted.
Bao:Vinh vs David:Bao - Bao Wins; Vinh's deck wins, Bao's deck loses
Bao:Bao vs Vinh:David - Bao Wins; Bao's deck wins, David's deck loses
Bao:David vs Vinh:Vinh - Bao Wins; David's deck wins, Vinh's deck loses
Bao:Bao vs Vinh:Vinh - Bao Wins; Bao's deck wins, Vinh's deck loses
Bao:David vs Vinh:Bao - Bao Wins; David's deck wins, Bao's deck loses
Bao:Vinh vs Vinh:David - Bao Wins; Vinh's deck wins, David's deck loses
Bao:David vs Vinh:Vinh - Bao Wins; David's deck wins, Vinh's deck loses
Bao:Vinh vs Vinh:David - Bao Wins; Vinh's deck wins, David's deck loses.

So after 8 games, the scores are... still tied. After 6 games, all things are tied, and after 8 games, David vs Vinh's deck are still tied. But in total, Bao wins all games.

There were a few notable moments in these games. In the most recent game, Vinh (using David's deck) got me down to 1 life. It was a vicious battle, with some people making mistakes on both sides. In the end, he had a mountain walker and a Bog Imp with Indomitable Will, so he kept doing 3 damage a turn.

However, at the end of the game, I got the Crafty Pathmage + Yore-tiller Nephilim + Bottle Gnomes combo, so every turn he would hit me for 3 and I would gain 3 life, while Yore-Tiller took him down from 22 to 0.

In another game, Bao:David vs Vinh:Vinh, Vinh was doing pretty well, like, 14 to 20. I had low mana, but I was doing okay... and then I bring out Lady Blue Fingers. Vinh then proceeds to play Bog Imp, which I toughen up and taken. Now I had a 2/2 flyer hitting him every turn, and after a few more turns I had a Horned Turtle, Court Hussar, and Bottle Gnomes in ... wait a minute... anyway, I had those 3 in play, so his 2/2's couldn't attack me even if they wanted to.

In another game, a Wrath of God killed 2 creatures on turn 5, and after that a Seasoned Marshal and a Kavu Climber took the game after that.

Overall, it's a fun game. It's very interesting and weird, when there's a lockdown on the table because no creature has more than 1 power... ::/end edit::


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