Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Commercial Men - part 2

Ya know what? That Oliver dude that buys Jewelry in those movie commercials doesn’t bug me anymore. It’s kind of funny that he’s still doing it over these few years and always has the same commercials.

I’m not sure if I care about that Ikea guy. Ya know, that guy who says “Bon Appetit.” Yeah, that guy. On the radio. He doesn’t bug me too much either.

Bad Boy. NOOObody! That slogan’s pretty old now. Old and corny, and then the guy disappeared for a while, and then he came back. I do like, however, that right after he says “nooobody”, he smiles – the kind of smile that says, “I know this is old, and isn’t it funny that I’m still doing it?” – so it looks like he knows that it’s old. Kinda like when the guy says “Can you hear me now?” – he says it in a sarcastic kinda fashion, whilst knowing that the “Can you hear me now” commercials were deemed bad.

But do you know who I don’t like? Do you know what grinds my gears?

The Alexander Keiths guy. The Scottish dude that keeps screaming. He bugs me now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with that Alexander Keith's Scottish character. I really enjoy those commercials and I hope that they make more. If you want a real annoying commercial go back to the classis of Badboy furniture or Oliver. That Oliver guy has been to jail and the Bad boy guy looks like he came from jail. What else needs to be said?
p.s. I love those Future Shop commercials too.

8:00 AM  

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