Thursday, April 02, 2009

Neighbor's Barking

So... I had two articles about Magic, and then I stopped posting... hmm...

Partially is probably because of the comments... so basically I was just writing for myself, and to David, so... I dunno. I wanted to write two articles, about Scarland Thrinax and the Doublestrike/Lifelink thing... I was going to do something convoluted about the "race to 20", which basically just states that in most magic games, it still boils down to the "race to 20", or whoever can deal 20 damage to the other guy the fastest.

And then (in the same article) I was going to write something about, like, if your opponent is attacking with a 5/5, then should you block on a 2/2 or take the damage? Basically, if you just twist some terms around, then you can pretend that you can't block the 5/5, and your 2/2 becomes an artifact that has "sac this: gain 5 life". And yeah, you might want to keep your guy so you can attack with it, if that's what you need at the moment....

ANNNYYYYWWAYY.... So I haven't written Magic for a while, so as usual, whenever this blog has some inactivity, I end up posting a joke:

Neighbor's Barking

Chris and Pat are in their residence listening to the
neighbor's dog, who has been in the backyard barking for
hours and hours. Finally, Chris jumps up and says, "I've had
enough of this." He rushes downstairs and out the door.

20 minutes later, Chris finally returns and Pat says, "The dog is still
barking; what have you been doing?"

Chris says, "I put the dog in our backyard. Let's see how
our neighbors like it."


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